Scablands with Randall C.
Please let us know if you are interested in this event the next time we have it
About The Trip
We traverse again into the Scablands of Washington State lead by Randall Carlson and Bradley Young of Kosmographia for 5 nights. Our home base is central at Soap Lake, Washington and we venture out daily to visit and learn about the geological remnants of the cataclysm only 12,800 years ago. There are amazing views and visits, hikes and lectures with a great bunch of people.
This is cohosted by Graham and/or Darren from Grimerica.
Contact at the Cabin started out as a Meet up of podcast hosts/guests/listeners/friends mingling with ideas and various controversial topics, ancient mysteries, esotericism over a long weekend. It has morphed into a larger theme/tour/lecture/learning type meet up like these Scablands and Montana Flood tours with Randall Carlson and Bradley Young. The people and open minded conversations are incredible and the sites and lectures are very instructive.
This is an All Inclusive event:
Food and beverages, lodging, tour and park entrance fees, Transportation for the daily trips/tour (and pick up and drop off from the Spokane Airport) are all included.Note: Alcohol not included
Hang out with Randall, Bradley and the group during the week. As our convoy listens to Randall narrate our journey live on Randall Radio, we see and stop at a variety of breathtaking sites during the week including some of the following:
Grand Coulee, Dry Falls, Grand Coulee Dam, Steamboat Rock, Palouse Falls, Steptoe Butte, Devil’s Canyon, Moses Coulee, Potholes Cataract, Potholes Coulee, Drumheller Channels, Washtucna Coulee, West Bar, Crescent Bar, Billy Clapp Lake, Upper Goose Lake, Wanapum Dam, Sentinal Gap, Yeager Rock, McNeil Canyon, Boulder park erratic train, Crab Creek Coulee, Frenchman Springs Coulee and much more!
Example of Draft Itinerary as follows, subject to change…:
Pre-Trip: Zoom call with participants, Randall and Brad to say hi, introductions, look at some maps, go over rough itinerary and answer questions.
Day 1: First night near Spokane Airport. This year we are changing up Day 1, to kick it off fast and shorten the driving on the fist long day. Check in before Dinner at hotel, then drive to Steptoe Butte for sunset and back to Hotel. Then proceed to Soap Lake for 4 nights after Day 2 tour.
Day 2: Check out and tour to Washtucna Coulee / Devil’s CanyonPalouse Falls State Park. End up at Soap Lake to check in for next 4 nights.
Day3: Yeager RockMcNeil Canyon to Beebe Park (lunch)Moses CouleeWest Bar
Day 4: Potholes ReservoirCrab Creek CouleeFrenchman Springs Coulee (lunch)Potholes Coulee/Cataracts
Day 5: Grand CouleeDry Falls / Sun Lakes Park (lunch)Steamboat Rock State Park
Day 6: Check Out
** Some evenings there will be fantastic lectures by Randall and others, and jamming /drumming depending on the amount of people bringing instruments.**